I have read the (excellent) documentation but I can't figure out how to do this.
I have a table which represents user friendships called "Shortlist" (with fields "from_user" and "to_user": both Foreign Keys to the classic auth_user table. Namely, from_user befriends to_user).
I have another table into which I log user events/actions (UserLog). In this table there are many fields including a "timestamp" and of course a "user" field (a foreign key to the auth_user table)
how can I retrieve data from table "Shortlist" for a specific user (from_user) ordered by the timestamp in UserLog table? Or how can I retrieve Shortlist data for a specific from_user ordered by the total number of "to_user" actions logged?
in other words I would like to retrieve all user's friends that are most active or order them by most recent action first.
Hope that makes sense, Chris