




Git has the very handy archive command which allows me to make a copy of a particular commit in a .zip archive like so:

git archive -o ../latest.zip some-commit

This will contain the entire working tree for that commit. Usually I just need the changed files since a previous release. Currently I use this to get those files into a zip:

git diff --name-only previous-commit latest-commit | zip ../changes.zip -@

This will however zip files from my working copy, which may have uncommitted changes. Is there some way to get only the changed files as they were committed directly into a zip?


why not create a git patch which you can then apply to the other codebase?

$ git format-patch HEAD^..HEAD
Not everybody knows how to work with patch files I'm afraid. I use this to supply new releases to my customers. Unzipping an archive is something even non-developers can do. Applying a patch requires skills not all my customers have mastered (or even want to master).
Marnix van Valen

If creating a patch is not an option, then how about something like this:

git stash
git checkout latest-commit
git diff --name-only previous-commit | zip ../changes.zip -@
git checkout master
git stash apply

NOTE: The git stash and git stash apply are only needed if you have working copy changes that have not been committed.

NOTE 2: git checkout latest-commit will put you on a detached head. Be sure to git checkout master when you are done or you could wind up having problems with future commits.

Tim Henigan
I was kind of hoping for a single command solution...
Marnix van Valen
@Marnix van Valen Then why not turn it into a simple script (or batch file)? The problem is that you need to translate the list of file names into specific versions. The only other way I could think of is to use `git show latest-commit:file`. However, I was not able to come up with a one liner to do this. It would look something like this: `git diff --name-only previous-commit | xargs -I file git show latest-commit:file` ... but here is the problem. This prints the file (without its name) to STDOUT. How can this be translated into the zip file?
Tim Henigan
+2  A: 

git archive will accept paths as arguments. All you should need to do is:

git archive -o ../latest.zip some-commit $(git diff --name-only earlier-commit some-commit)

or if you have files with spaces (or other special characters) in them, use xargs:

git diff --name-only earlier-commit some-commit | xargs -d'\n' git archive -o ../latest.zip some-commit

If you don't have xargs properly installed, you could cook up an alternative:


files=($(git diff --name-only earlier-commit some-commit))

git archive -o ../latest.zip some-commit "${files[@]}"

Written as a shell script, but should work as a one-liner too. Alternatively, change earlier-commit, some-commit, and ../latest.zip to $1 $2 and $3 and you've got yourself a reusable script.

Nice one! That works great.
Marnix van Valen
Beware that extracting such an archive will not delete any files. This may cause hard to diagnose problems later on.
@jilles: Very true. This is why patches are great. @Marnix van Valen: You could perhaps just generate the patch then wrap it with a script (you could even use a heredoc to keep it all in one file) - then it'd be both usable and, well, correct.
What I usually do is include a list of all added and removed files with the release. The customer will then manually add or remove the files to/from source control on his end. @Jefromi Good idea. That would completely remove any human errors. I'll give it a shot.
Marnix van Valen
@Jefromi One problem with the second command; it doesn't work on windows. The xargs version that comes with the Windows git installer doesn't support the -d option. Nor does any of the other xargs builds for windows I could find. Any idea's for an alternative?
Marnix van Valen
@Marnix van Valen: Then I'd do it within bash. See the answer.