



Problem definition.

I have multiple clients with multiple users. Each client needs to be able to associate custom data with a user, search, and order by.

Database Solution:

A table Customfields which defines the customfields table. It has an id and name. It has a has_many relationship with a Userfields table (aka "attributes").

The Userfields table has a userid, customfieldid, content and id. It belongs_to a Useraccounts table (aka "useraccount") and Customfields (aka "customfield")

Proposed select statement that I want:

This is a select statement that achieves and produces what I need.

SELECT ua.*, (
    SELECT content FROM Userfields uf
    INNER JOIN Customfields cf
        ON = uf.customfieldid
    WHERE = 'Mothers birthdate'
    AND uf.uid=ua.uid
) AS 'Mothers birthdate',
    SELECT content FROM Userfields uf
    INNER JOIN Customfields cf
        ON = uf.customfieldid
    WHERE = 'Join Date' AND
) AS 'Join Date'
FROM UserAccounts ua
ORDER BY 'Mothers birthdate';

In this case their could be anything from 0 ... x sub select statements in the select statement and any one of them or none of them could be wanting to be ordered by.


How do I achieve this with a ->search on my dbix class resultset or how do I achieve the same result with a search on my dbix class resultset?

Here is how I usually select from my Useraccounts table, although I am unsure how to do the complex statement that I want to from here.

my @users = $db->resultset('Useraccounts')->search(
        page        => $page,
        join        => 'attributes',

Thanks for your time.


+1  A: 

This is really pretty hairy, and any solution isn't going to be pretty, but it does look to be possible if you bend the rules a little bit. Forgive any mistakes I make, as I didn't go and create a schema to test this on, but it's based on the best info I have (and much help from ribasushi).

First, (assuming that your userfields table has a belongs_to relation with the customfields table, called customfield)

my $mbd = $userfields_rs->search(
      '' => 'Mothers birthdate',
      'uf.uid' => \'me.uid' # reference to outer query
      join => 'customfield',
      alias => 'uf', # don't shadow the 'me' alias here.

# Subqueries and -as don't currently mix, so hack the SQL ourselves
$mbd->[0] .= q{ AS 'Mothers Birthdate'};

The literal me.uid that uf.uid is being matched against is an unbound variable -- it's the uid field from the query that we're eventually going to put this query into as a subselect. By default DBIC aliases the table that the query is addressing to me; if you gave it a different alias then you would use something diferent here. Anyway, You could repeat this as_query business with as many different fields as you like, just varying the field-name (if you're smart, you'll write a method to generate them), and put them in an array, so now let's suppose that @field_queries is an array, containing $mbd above as well as another one based on Join Date, and anything you like.

Once you have that, it's as "simple" as...

my $users = $useraccounts_rs->search(
    { }, # any search criteria can go in here,
      '+select' => [ @field_queries ],
      '+as' => [qw/mothers_birthdate join_date/], # this is not SQL AS
      order_by => {asc => 'Mothers birthdate'},

which will include each of the subqueries into the select.

Now for the sad part: as of right now, this whole thing actually won't work, because subqueries with placeholders don't work properly. So for now you need an additional workaround: instead of '' => 'Mothers birthdate' in the subselect search, do '' => \q{'Mothers birthdate'} -- this is using literal SQL for the field name (BE CAREFUL of SQL injection here!), which will sidestep the placeholder bug. But in the not-too-distant future, that bug will be resolved and the code above will work okay, and we'll update the answer to let you know that's the case.

Thanks so much Hobbs (and Ribasushi) :).That's more help than I could have hoped for in such a short space of time :D. Much kudos to you :)
Paul Hutchinson
Two points to this.1) ->get_column('content')->as_query; returns a reference to a reference of an array not the expected reference to an array, this may well be a bug in my current dbix::class but I couldn't see any fixes mentioned in the changelog and the documentation seems to suggest this is expected behavior! I solved this by doing${$userfields_rs->search(...)}2) I solved the placeholder issue by adding 'bind' => $mbd->[1]to my ->search.After much playing this morning it all works :)
Paul Hutchinson
slight problem if I call ->paging on the resultset, I can't get ->total_entries out of it, looks like it grabs the placeholders that it doesn't need and appends them to the end, which causes an err. for now getting around that with an eval, but it's ugly.
Paul Hutchinson