




Hey all

I've recently implemented a singleton class, and within it I've declared a static generic list of (T) class. Anyway this is my first attempt at using singleton but everything I've tried work so far.

My Question: To be consistent, I don't want the MasterSiteData to be visible to other classes except my Singleton class. I thought of maybe encapsulating both classes within a parent class which would give me new options. However I'd rather have some of the great opinions you all provide :).

 public sealed class Singleton
        private static readonly Singleton Instance = new Singleton();

        private Singleton()

        public static List<MasterSiteData> MasterDetails = new List<MasterSiteData>();

    public class MasterSiteData
        public Guid GuidId { get; set; }
        public string Uri { get; set; }
        public int LinkNumber { get; set; }

        public MasterSiteData(Guid guid, string uri, int linknumber)
            GuidId = guid;
            Uri = uri;
            LinkNumber = linknumber;


Crap! I totally forgot that I need to instantiate the MasterSiteData class to add a record to my list, therefore I really can't have it hidden, for example

 Singleton.MasterDetails.Add(new MasterSiteData(Guid.NewGuid(), "lol1", 1337));
+1  A: 

Use an interface and make the implementation private to Singleton. (Also, don't use public fields, use properties):

public sealed class Singleton
    public static List<ISiteData> Details { get; private set; }

    private Singleton()
        //create new instances of MasterSiteData and add to the list

    private class MasterSiteData : ISiteData
        public Guid GuidID {get;set;}
        public string Uri {get;set;}
        public int LinkNumber {get;set;}

        public MasterSiteData(Guid guid, string uri, int linkNumber)
            GuidID = guid;
            Uri = uri;
            LinkNumber = linkNumber;

public interface ISiteData
    Guid GuidID {get;set;}
    string Uri {get;set;}
    int LinkNumber {get;set;}
Rex M
Interesting method, thanks for your reply!
+1  A: 

In order to achieve the accessibility level you require, you will have to declare your MasterSiteData class inside the Singleton class, and mark it's accessibility level as private.

For example:

 public class Singleton
        private MasterSiteData innerClass = new MasterSiteData();

        private class MasterSiteData
            // your mastersitedata class

Since the Singleton class effectively "owns" the MasterSiteData class, it can create instances of the MasterSiteData class itself, however no code outside of the outer Singleton class can access or create instances of the MasterSiteData type.

Thanks for the advice! Implementing the above, I get a Inconsistent accessibility level error.
@Ash - An inconsistent accessibility level error usually occurs when a parameter of a method or constructor is less accessible than the method/constructor itself. Using Rex M's advice, and using his posted code as-is, will compile fine. Mine was merely a brief example of a private inner class.