



Hey guys and gals,
I'm not sure if this is possible in one line (i.e., without writing a script), but I want to run an ls | grep command and then for each result, pipe it to another command.

To be specific, I've got a directory full of images and I only want to view certain ones. I can filter the images I'm interested in with ls | grep -i <something>, which will return a list of matching files. Then for each file, I want to view it by passing it in to eog.

I've tried simply passing the results in to eog like so:

eog $(ls | grep -i <something>)

This doesn't quite work as it will only open the first entry in the result list.

So, how can I execute eog FILENAME for each entry in the result list without having to bundle this operation into a script?

Edit: As suggested in the answers, I can use a for loop like so:

for i in 'ls | grep -i ...'; do eog $i; done

This works, but the loop waits to iterate until I close the currently opened eog instance.

Ideally I'd like for n instances of eog to open all at once, where n is the number of results returned from my ls | grep command. Is this possible?

Thanks everybody!


Try looping over the results:

for i in `ls | grep -i <something>`; do
    eog $i

Or you can one-line it:

for i in `ls | grep -i <something>`; do eog $i; done

Edit: If you want the eog instances to open in parallel, launch each in a new process with eog $i &. The updated one-liner would then read:

for i in `ls | grep -i <something>`; do (eog $i &); done
Caveat: spaces in filenames might throw this off a bit. If that is the case, try using `find` instead of `ls`+`grep` and pipe the results to `xargs`.
if that's the case, use shell expansion.
Always use shell expansion, never use `ls`.
@bta: I tried `do eog $i done` but I get a syntax error (unexpected token ';'). I then tried `do 'eog $i done` but that doesn't open them in parallel. Any way to make this work? Thanks.
@Shakedown- See my edit
+3  A: 

I would use xargs:

$ ls | grep -i <something> | xargs -n 1 eog
Carl Norum
This will grep for the something in each of the files found, not grep the file *names* for the something.
Stephen P
Oops, misread. Fixing.
Carl Norum
The OP doesn't seem to want to recurse, and then it's roughly equivalent to `eog *something*`.
@Philipp, modified.
Carl Norum
That's much worse than your previous solution, breaking on every "special" character etc. If you don't want to recurse, use `-mindepth` and `-maxdepth`.
@Philipp, if the OP thinks `ls | grep` is ok, I think it's ok.
Carl Norum
unless you have special pattern you want to grep where normal shell expansion cannot provide, using ls with grep is useless. Use shell expansion.
+1  A: 
shopt -s nullglob
for image in *pattern*
  eog "$image"

Bash 4

shopt -s nullglob
shopt -s globstar
for image in **/*pattern*
    eog "$image"
The OP specifically requested a non-script solution.
Carl Norum
You can enter these lines in interactive mode as well.
+2  A: 

A bare ls piped into grep is sort of redundant given arbitrary?sh*ll-glo[bB] patterns (unless there are too many matches to fit on a command line in which case the find | xargs combinations in other answers should be used.

eog is happy to take multiple file names so

eog pr0n*really-dirty.series?????.jpg

is fine and simpler.

+1  A: 

Use find:

find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -regex '...' -exec eog '{}' ';'


find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -regex '...' -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 eog

If the pattern is not too complex, then globbing is possible, making the call much easier:

for file in *.png
  eog -- "$file"

Bash also has builtin regex support:

for file in *
  [[ $file =~ $pattern ]] && eog -- "$file"

Never use ls in scripts, and never use grep to filter file names.


If you want more control over the number of arguments passed on to eog, you may use "xargs -L" in combination with "bash -c":

printf "%s\n" {1..10} | xargs -L 5 bash -c 'echo "$@"' arg0

ls | grep -i <something> | xargs -L 5 bash -c 'eog "$@"' arg0