



With our 2007 site(s) we had a custom module (we developed) to swap out the application.master with our own master page 'CustomApp.Master' which resembled the site default.master. This worked great.

After the upgrade, our site's main pages looked fine however when navigating to the admin type pages (settings/viewlists etc.) pages the module stopped working.

1.) I have figured out something things with respect to what is going on but am still at a loss to how best resolve. I recognize (part of the issue) that our attempts to to determine page.MasterPageFile within the module was returning empty strings. We want the layouts/admin pages to have the same master page as the main user pages. I have read in 2010 this is now possible. How can I achieve this considering this was an migration from 2007?

2.) Currently, when navigating to the sites/settings page the site is using template/layouts/layoutsv3.master as the master page. The settings.aspx page has DynamicMasterPageFile="~masterurl/default.master" . It was my understanding that when DynamicMasterPageFile was set to default.master it would use the master page from the site. So, with that said I am confused why it is using layoutsv3.master

thanks -dave