



I'm developing a phone app and need a modal dialog with some "rich" content - a few text boxes and a drop down. OK, not very rich but more than a MessageBox. :>

In regular Silverlight I know there's the ChildWindow control - but can't find the equivalent in Phone 7.

How have other folks done rich popup dialogs on the phone?


+1  A: 

Where I've seen people implement something like this they just have added a panel to the page and made this visible to act as a modal popup.
If you do this, be sure to handle use of the back button correctly.

Matt Lacey
+1  A: 

Silverlight actually has a control called a Popup. Here's the MSDN documentation.

It's incredibly simple to use (just set IsOpen to true to dispay) and quite effective. The only reason you might use a Panel with manual state control would be is you want precision control over animations etc.

Ben Gracewood
Perfect. I was looking for ChildWindow, didn't realize there was a Popup class