



I am looking for a C++ data type similar to std::vector but without the overhead related to dynamic resizing. The size of the container will remain constant over its lifetime. I considered using boost::array, however, that is not appropriate because it requires the size of the array to be known at compile time, which is not the case in my situation.

+3  A: 

The overhead induced by dynamic resizing capability of std::vector is virtually non-existent.

If you needed an array of compile-time size, looking for something more efficient than std::vector would indeed be a good idea in many cases.

But the difference between fixed run-time size and dynamic run-time size is negligible. std::vector is a perfect solution in this case.

+10  A: 

Measure if the dynamic resizing has really any performance impact before using anything non-standard.

Tip: With vector.reserve there will never be any array-reallocation.

Markus Kull
+2  A: 

I've used a template class based on ideas from STLSoft's auto_buffer (I cobbled together my own implementation from Matthew Wilson's Imperfect C++ book along with some ideas from the STLSoft implementation). It allocates the array by default on the stack (or embedded in the class object) if it's small enough (based on a template parameter you provide). If your runtime allocation is larger than that, the array storage comes from the heap.

So the nice thing about this class is that for smaller small sizes, the allocation is essentially a no-op.

Michael Burr
+1 for beating me to auto buffer. :) Boost has one [for review](
+8  A: 

There's no overhead in reallocation if you don't reallocate std::vector. So either:

  • construct the std::vector with a known size ahead (std::vector x(100))
  • call reserve(n) after construction to make sure that at least n elements can be pushed into the vector before reallocation occurs.
Luther Blissett
+1  A: 

If the size of the array is not known at compile time, then the only option in C++ is a dynamically-allocated array. You can use a std::vector to guarantee RAII. As others have said, the fact that std::vectors can be resized doesn't mean that you have to resize them. Create the std::vector with the correct size, and then don't call anything that would resize it.

Max Lybbert