




I am MVC 2 newbie and stuck on this problem:


public class LogOnModel
[DisplayName("User name")]
public string UserName { get; set; }


<%: Html.LabelFor(m => m.UserName) %>

The text “User name” will be finally displayed in the website - based on my definition

[DisplayName("User name")].

No Problem.

But how can I change this text in AccountController.cs?

public ActionResult LogOn()
return View();
+2  A: 

You can't :) You have to change the DisplayName-attribute on the class in order for the .LabelFor helper to construct the label. You could of course just write out the HTML for the Label yourself if you want it to be something else.

Don't see why you would want to change the Displayname from page to page though? Am I misunderstanding something?


Custom displayname attribute:

public class MyDisplayName : DisplayNameAttribute
    public int DbId { get; set; }

    public MyDisplayName(int DbId)
        this.DbId = DbId;

    public override string DisplayName
            // Do some db-lookup to retrieve the name
            return "Some string from DBLookup";

public class TestModel
    public string MyTextField { get; set; }
Yngve B. Nilsen
Thx 4 the very fast reply! The idea was to change it dynamically to have the chance to read it out of a DB.
I've added some code for you.. You can create a derived attribute of your own to perform the db-lookup and just override the DisplayName-getter :)
Yngve B. Nilsen
remember to check the answer as correct if it does the job. Increases your chances og getting nice replies later on. :)
Yngve B. Nilsen
Thank you very much! This works realy fine for me now! (nd of course I checked the answer ;-)