



Now this question has been asked before but I am not able to get the answer. I have a Lavalamp with 4 LI inside it, clicking on each of them loads some content in a div.

It works all fine. Now I have a hyperlink somewhere on the same page outside of that lavalamp. I want that, when I click on that link, the lavalamp highlight should move to a particular li and remain there.

To make myself clear, I have a Lavalamp LI that goes like this: Home, Work, About, Contact. And I also have a 'contact' link somewhere on the page. When I click 'contact' link, the lavaLamp should move the highlight from wherever it is to the 4th option 'Contact'.


If you are using this lavalamp plugin, you'll need to use trigger() to activate the mouseenter and click events... here is a demo.


<ul id="menu">
 <li><a href="#home">Home</a></li>
 <li><a href="#work">Work</a></li>
 <li><a href="#about">About</a></li>
 <li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li>
<a class="contact" href="#contact">contact me!</a>


  $('#menu a[href*=contact]').parent().trigger('mouseenter').trigger('click');
  return false; // added to prevent propogation

LOL, ok, since you are using the other lavalamp plugin... here is the code you can use. Also, since the lavaplamp plugin provides a click function, I have made the javascript unobtrusive by adding the function there (new demo).


<ul class="lavalamp">
 <li class="current"><a href="#home">Home</a></li>
 <li><a href="#work">Work</a></li>
 <li><a href="#about">About</a></li>
 <li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li>


<div id="home" class="info">
 Home page stuff goes here.
<div id="work" class="info">
 Work information goes here.
<div id="about" class="info">
 About me.
<div id="contact" class="info">
 Contact me.


<div class="links">
 You can see my <a href="#work">work</a> or <a href="#contact">contact me.</a>


$(function() {
 // set up lavalamp
  fx: "backout",
  speed: 700,
  click: function(event, menuItem) {
   // change information box
   var $block = $( $(menuItem).find('a').attr('href') );
   return false;

 // initialize information box

 // make links outside of the lavalamp work
 $('.links a').click(function(){
  var block = $(this).attr('href');
  $('.lavalamp').find('a[href=' + block + ']').parent().trigger('click');

Aha..fudgey you're da man!! thanks. I m using GMarwaha's plugin. I have pasted my code below if you want to have a look
I've updated my answer. Also, I've removed your inline javascript and made it unobtrusive.
Oh I also wanted to point out, I modified the `lavalamp` class name by making the second L into a lowercase l. I wasn't looking that close at the HTML you added until after I made the demo :P
I updated the NixBox plugin script by adding a `return false;` inside the `$('.contact').click(function(){...})`. That should stop your inline javascript from working. Just add a click function inside the lavalamp function with the same code (docs here:

Ok some more details. Here's the lavalamp and a hyperlink outside it.

<ul class="lavaLamp">
    <li><a href="javascript:content(1)">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="javascript:content(2)">Work</a></li>
    <li><a href="javascript:content(3)">About</a></li>
    <li><a href="javascript:content(4)">Contact</a></li>    

<div class="info">
// Corresponding information will be loaded here based on javascript:content(num)

    You can see my <a href="javascript:content(2)">work</a> or <a href="javascript:content(4)">contact me.</a>

Now the content is loaded well and fine. But when I click the 'work' or the 'contact me' link, I also want the highlighter in the lavaLamp to move to the corresponding LI's. i.e. 'Work' and 'Contact' respectively.

I am using the LavaLamp version found here:

Next time please edit your original question with these extra details instead of adding an answer - it keeps all the information together... and give me a few minutes to update my answer :P
Hey @fudgey thanks for providing help for both the versions of the Lavalamp. But when you provided the perfect solution to the NIXBOX lavalamp, I changed my plugin too and am working on it. However, I have found out that the highlight gets stuck after one clicking. And the reason behind that is the javascript:content(num) that's in every link href. If I remove the content(num) function call from every href, it works great. There is some code conflict I guess. Can you share your thoughts here? PS: I cant remove the inline javascript :(