



I decided to try out LINQ for the first time to try and solve this question.

The results of my first foray into the wonderful world of LINQ looked like this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication2
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<string> list = new List<string>() { "fred-064528-NEEDED1", "xxxx", "frederic-84728957-NEEDED2", "sam-028-NEEDED3", "-----", "another-test" };

            var result =
            from s in list
            where (from c in s where c == '-' select c).Count() == 2
            select s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf("-") + 1);

            foreach (string s in result)
            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter");

I'd like to know how I can improve the above solution to this contrived little example. I'm not too interested in whether I've used the best validation method, or how I could localise "Press Enter" or anything like that; I'm just interested in using this example to learn a little more about LINQ.

+4  A: 
var result =
        from s in list
        where s.Count(x => x == '=') == 2
        select s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf("-") + 1);
where s.Count(x => x == '-') == 2But totally.
ahh that would be a lambda expression, then
Matt Jacobsen
in fact, whole linq is converted to lambda while compiled. Try to look it out in reflector.
The above is a Query Expression not a Lambda Expression.
@heads5150: Sorry, I just meant the x => bit. I've heard of Lambda expressions, but like LINQ have never used them.
Matt Jacobsen
Hi Matt No need to apologise the comment wasn't meant to chastise ;-)
+3  A: 

It can also be written using Lambda expressions:

var result =
            list.Where(s => (from c in s where c == '-' select c).Count() == 2).Select(
                s => s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf("-") + 1));

I prefer Lambda expressions over LINQ syntax because of the Fluent interface. IMHO it is more human readable.

Fluent interface?
Matt Jacobsen
Matt Jacobsen
Generally a fluent interface is implemented by using method chaining to relay the instruction context of a subsequent call. (A bit more involved than that but it'll do for now) In this case the method Where is called then the method Select is called.
+3  A: 

This is pretty nice I think. Partly LINQ.

var result = String.Join("-", inputData.Split('-').Skip(2));

If there can't be any '-' after the first two then this will do (not LINQ):

var result = inputData.Split('-')[2];  //If the last part is NEE-DED then only NEE is returned. And will fail on wrong input
@lasseespeholt nice, but consumes more memory, than .Substring variant.
I did var result = from s in list select String.Join("", s.Split('-').Skip(2));Great idea, but it's snagging on the red herring entries (e.g. "xxxx")
Matt Jacobsen
@Yossarian Yes you are properly right about that. But it must be faster than Reg exp and I think it is pretty sleek syntacticly. If you want the fastest possible you should properly not use LINQ but a more imperative way.
+3  A: 

I'm a big fan of Lambdas too...

    static void Main(string[] args)  
        Func<string, char, int> countNumberOfCharsInString = (str, c) => str.Count(character => character == c);

        var list = new List<string>() { "fred-064528-NEEDED1", "xxxx", "frederic-84728957-NEEDED2", "sam-028-NEEDED3", "-----", "another-test" };

        list.Where(fullString => countNumberOfCharsInString(fullString,'-') == 2)
            .ForEach(s => Console.WriteLine(s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf("-")+1)));

        Console.WriteLine("Press Enter");   
+3  A: 

I don't think this is an improvement, as it is less readable, but you can do it all in one-line using some of the inbuilt methods in the List class:

list.FindAll(s => s.ToCharArray().
    Where(c => c == '-').Count() ==2).
    ForEach(c => Console.WriteLine(c.Substring(c.LastIndexOf("-") + 1)));

Personally I find this rather horrible, so it's just for interest!

Dan Diplo
But it's fun! Mine's pretty similar, good use of FindAll too
just for readability I'd have put "list.FindAll(s => s.ToCharArray(). Where(c => c == '-').Count() ==2)" all on one line, but thanks, your solution got me thinking about lambdas and delegates. Think I understand them a little better now.
Matt Jacobsen