



I have a windows application (an IE plugin actually) that depends on .NET and is installed via an installer created in visual studio (2010).

I've got it working so that that it is generating a Setup.exe which installs the .NET framework automatically if needed (via the prerequisites mechanism), but I've been asked to show a confirmation dialog before jumping right into the .NET installer (at the moment the first thing the user sees is the .NET license agreement, with no real explanation as to what this has to do with the original application they're installing).

Is there a quick/easy way to show some kind of confirmation dialog before the prerequisites are installed? Ideally it would only show if the prereq is actually being installed, but I think a simple "you may be asked to install .NET" would be acceptable as well.

It turns out the .NET requirement is a non-starter in the long term, so we're planning on rewriting the plugin in C++ without any dependencies on .NET, but we need a short-term fix in the meantime...
