



For the implementation of single layer neural network, I have two data files.

    0.832 64.643
    0.818 78.843

0 0 1
0 0 1

The above is the format of 2 data files.

The target output is "1 for a particular class that the corresponding input belongs to and "0 for the remaining 2 outputs.

The problem is as follows:

Your single layer neural network will find A(3 by 2 matrix) and b (3 by 1 vector) in Y = A*X + b where Y is [C1, C2, C3]' and X is [x1, x2]'.

To solve the problem above with a neural network, we can re-write the equation as follow: Y = A' * X' where A' = [A b] (3 by 3 matrix) and X' is [x1, x2, 1]'

Now you can use a neural network with three input nodes (one for x1, x2, and 1 respectively) and three outputs (C1, C2, C3).

The resulting 9 (since we have 9 connections between 3 inputs and 3 outputs) weights will be equivalent to elements of A' matrix.

Basicaly, i am trying to do something like this, but it is not working:

function neuralNetwork   
x = X_Q2(:,1);
y = X_Q2(:,2);

learningrate = 0.2;
max_iteration = 50;

% initialize parameters
count = length(x);
weights = rand(1,3); % creates a 1-by-3 array with random weights
globalerror = 0;
iter = 0;
while globalerror ~= 0 && iter <= max_iteration
  iter = iter + 1;
  globalerror = 0;
  for p = 1:count
    output = calculateOutput(weights,x(p),y(p));
    localerror = T_Q2(p) - output
    weights(1)= weights(1) + learningrate *localerror*x(p);
    weights(2)= weights(1) + learningrate *localerror*y(p);
    weights(3)= weights(1) + learningrate *localerror;
    globalerror = globalerror + (localerror*localerror);

I write this function in some other file and calling it in my previous code.

function result = calculateOutput (weights, x, y)
s = x * weights(1) + y * weights(2) + weights(3);
if s >= 0
    result = 1;
    result = -1;

Now plz help in getting the right solution. I am not going to put any more question on this topic. Plz help me with the right code.

+18  A: 

Eventhough this type of question is not encouraged (plz solve my homework!), I decided to go along and post a solution to your problem.

Before you start copy/pasting, please keep in mind that the only way to learn properly is to make a genuine effort at attempting to solve this yourself. Looking at your recent track of questions, you don't seem to be comfortable with the basics of the language, so I would start by reading the documentation and trying out simple examples before tackling a bigger problem like neural networks.. So learn how to use the basic constructs, create and manipulate matrices, load/save data, basic plotting, etc..

Your code has a number of problems. Aside from the obvious syntactic mistakes, the main issue is that the target is multi-class (not binary), so you need to either use 3 output nodes one for each class (called 1-of-N encoding), or use a single output node with a different activation function (something capable of more than just binary output -1/1 or 0/1)

In the solution below, the network has the following structure:


%# load your data
input = [
    0.832 64.643
    0.818 78.843
    1.776 45.049
    0.597 88.302
    1.412 63.458
target = [
    0 0 1
    0 0 1
    0 1 0
    0 0 1
    0 0 1

%# some parameters
MIN_ERROR = 1e-4;

[numInst numDims] = size(input);
numClasses = size(target,2);

%# three output nodes connected to two-dimensional input nodes + biases
weights = randn(numClasses, numDims+1);

isDone = false;               %# termination flag
iter = 0;                     %# iterations counter
while ~isDone
    iter = iter + 1;

    %# for each instance
    err = zeros(numInst,numClasses);
    for i=1:numInst
        %# compute output: Y = W*X + b, then apply threshold activation
        output = ( weights * [input(i,:)';1] >= 0 );                       %#'

        %# error: err = T - Y
        err(i,:) = target(i,:)' - output;                                  %#'

        %# update weights (delta rule): delta(W) = alpha*(T-Y)*X
        weights = weights + LEARNING_RATE * err(i,:)' * [input(i,:) 1];    %#'

    %# Root mean squared error
    rmse = sqrt(sum(err.^2,1)/numInst);
    fprintf(['Iteration %d: , ' repmat('%f ',1,numClasses) '\n'], iter, rmse);

    %# termination criteria
    if ( iter >= MAX_ITERATIONS || all(rmse < MIN_ERROR) )
        isDone = true;

%# plot points and one-against-all decision boundaries
[~,group] = max(target,[],2);                     %# actual class of instances
gscatter(input(:,1), input(:,2), group), hold on
xLimits = get(gca,'xlim'); yLimits = get(gca,'ylim');
for i=1:numClasses
    ezplot(sprintf('%f*x + %f*y + %f', weights(i,:)), xLimits, yLimits)
title('Perceptron decision boundaries')
hold off

the results of training over the five sample you provided:

Iteration 1: , 0.447214 0.632456 0.632456 
Iteration 2: , 0.000000 0.447214 0.447214 
Iteration 49: , 0.000000 0.447214 0.447214 
Iteration 50: , 0.000000 0.632456 0.000000 
Iteration 51: , 0.000000 0.447214 0.000000 
Iteration 52: , 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 


+1 for being waaay nicer than necessary.
thanks a lot...but I am done with this question now....when I needed the soln, no one appeared here. But I must thank you for being so generous.
you're kidding right, after all the noise you made !?
Amro submission was due today by 9am...I submitted my hw in the night after not getting any +ve response...Though I have not completed the hw..
@ishamahajan: I gave you quite a few positive responses pointing out the errors in your code and giving you numerous links to the documentation. If you thought that we were just here to do your homework for you, then you are mistaken about what this site is for. We're here to *help* you solve your problems.