I think Xquery has not the "AND" operator and i cant do this:
if node1 = xxx and node2 = yyy and node3 = zzz then replace node3 with www
I think Xquery has not the "AND" operator and i cant do this:
if node1 = xxx and node2 = yyy and node3 = zzz then replace node3 with www
<< There's no such operator as "&=" in XQuery. I think you need the contains() function instead, although you might want matches().
So I think your query should look like:
let $query := if ($ttl != "") then ( for $entries in collection($collctn)//TEI.2 [contains(., $kwds) and descendant::head[contains(., $ttl)] return ( if ($entries/@id = "ppp.00271") then ( ... ) else if ($entries/@id = "ppp.00237") then ( ... ) else if ($entries/@id = "ppp.00473") then ( ... ) else ( ... ) ) else if (...) then ( ... ) else ( ... )
XQuery has And Operator which is "and". it has OR operator also "or".
let $d := <Employee>
<Address>test Add </Address>
<Email>[email protected]</Email>
<Department>Dept 1</Department>
<Department>Dept 2</Department>
<Department>Dept 3</Department>
<Department>Dept 4</Department>
<Department>Dept 5</Department>
return if( ($d//*:Department[1]/text() = 'Dept 1') and ($d//*:Department[1]/text() = 'Dept 2') ) then fn:true() else fn:false()