I've grouped several message strings into a named (non anonymous) namespace in the .cpp file for a class handling output as seen in the code below:
namespace Messages
static const std::string AppTitle = "The Widgetizer - Serving all your Widget needs";
static const std::string SuccessMsg = "Great success! Widgets for all! ";
static const std::string FailMsg = "No widgets for you!";
void Display::printTitle()
out << Messages::AppTitle << std::endl;
void Display::printSuccessMsg()
out << Messages::SuccessMsg << std::endl;
void Display::printFailMsg()
out << Messages::FailMsg << std::endl;
My logic being that this way they're all in one central location, under a namespace with a meaningful and self-documenting name, and they're not exposed to the client code (as they would be if I had put the namespace in the .h file).
Is this a good practice generally or are there pitfalls to this that I'm not seeing?
Is the static keyword necessary if they're in a file scope namespace like this?
In terms of best practices and accepted C++ idiom & style, would this be better off just as an anonymous namespace? Or simply as static const class members?
I admit it's probably overkill for the small program I'm writing since they'll probably only be used in these functions but generally speaking not hard coding message strings is a good habit no?