I have modified the multihost.py middleware I found at http://effbot.org/zone/django-multihost.htm to set the settings.SITE_ID dynamically, but have some concerns that I may have just left the reservation.
Most examples I have found for multiple domain hosting have been setup with multiple settings.py files hardcoded to their respective SITE_IDs.
Have I created a fix with a fatal flaw here? Will changing this value dynamically bite me on the a**.
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
class MultiHostMiddleware:
def process_request(self, request):
host_raw = request.META["HTTP_HOST"]
colon = host_raw.find(':')
if colon > -1:
host = host_raw[0:colon]
host = host_raw
s = Site.objects.get(domain=host)
if s:
settings.SITE_ID = s.id
except KeyError:
pass # use default urlconf (settings.ROOT_URLCONF)
For the curious this is up and running so far, but has not stood up to actual traffic.