



Is there a way to suspend Bitlocker for a drive programmatically from .NET?


Edit: Found a better answer.

There's actually a WMI class called Win32_EncryptableVolume that could probably be used to do this in a nice way. It has a Decrypt method that might be useful.

Old answer below here

In Windows 7, look at the tool manage-bde.exe, in Vista look at the script manage-bde.wsf.

Assuming that they can do what you want, you should be able to call them with the relevant parameters from your .Net app.

I don't need to decrypt, only suspend. I'll check if the WMI class has such a method.
Andrew J. Brehm
@Andrew: Yes, I don't know BitLocker that much so wasn't sure exactly what you needed. Though thinking about it, maybe it's `DisableAutoUnlock` that you need?
PowerShell doesn't seem to know that Win32_ class.
Andrew J. Brehm
@Andrew: Never used Powershell, in C# you need to add a reference to System.Management to use any of the WMI classes, could there be something similar you need to do? Otherwise, this blog post seems to have a sample for using it from Powershell:!C2DB05EEFA6C21A1!223.entry and here's a general WMI from powershell article:
Thanks. I was planning to use this from C# but I usually try everything out in PS first.
Andrew J. Brehm