I´m working on some validation code and having some issues with my Linq code.
What I have is a class that validates on a particular attribute (ValidationAttribute). That all works fine, ie the validation works with a class that has some properties decorated with that attribute (or subclasses of it).
What I now want to accomplish is to tell my "validator" class to ignore all properties that are marked with a certain other attribute (let´s call that IgnoreAttribute).
So my question is, how do I first find all the properties with the validation attribute (which I have code for already) but first "filter" that collection to ignore the properties that have the ignore attribute (or actually a List collection).
The code for the validation looks like:
from prop in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(instance).Cast<PropertyDescriptor>()
from attribute in prop.Attributes.OfType<ValidationAttribute>().
where attribute.IsValid(prop.GetValue(instance)) == false
select new ...etc
I want this code to ignore all attributes contained in a List that I have in the class, ie some sort of filtering on the original set...
Any ideas?
I guess my question is really this: If I have a class that has its properties decorated with attributes like:
class MyClass
public string MyProp { get; set; }
public string MyProp2 { get; set; }
How do I find all the properties that have the validation attribute (required inherits that)) but not the ignore attribute? Although I really wan´t it to ignore a list of attributes and not only the ignore attribute.