





Here's what I really ask:

I need to create complex 2d graphic and input with callbacks on pressing elements. Also it would be generated in run-time. Now try to choose: Flash (nearly all is done: net, graphic, p2p), C++ (lots of external libraries, but good for desctop). But using Flash I can't create exe file: the only way to create desctop application is AIR. What do you recommend: Flash or C++?

Common stuff

There’s a client-server application. Client sends information on what user’s done to server and server answers by command like DailogWindow “Something goes wrong” or sending content of new GUI page in XML.

Now I’m thinking of creating client application: C++ + external graphic library or flash and AS.

Flash is great, but the only way I know to create a single application is AIR. However, I have seen few Flash applications which are exe-files and work as a single application – as browser with specific GUI and additional functionality as file-system IO and etc.

What about C++ : I don’t know any good flexible library with easy API and big amount of docs. Such library as MyGUI is rather well (I hated it a bit after spending a week by compiling it) but too complicated and has no good docs.

What would you recommend to use to create such graphic client application for application that uses images as buttons, draw windows (dialog boxes and other) and have an ability to develop it further.

PS Question may look vague – that’s because I can’t assume which functionality would be in a final application – I know such approach is a bit strange, but idea is still just in my head.

PPS Sorry for big amount of letters for such simple question.


For doing the job in C++ you could use Qt ?
