




Dear all, I´m completely new to latex and have the mactex 2009 package installed with the intent of having tables from R output into latex-->pdf. I get the following latex code (below) when I run an example in r (renders ok in R, but I´d like to use texshop). However when I paste this into a texshop window I get the following error:

./Untitled.tex:2: LaTeX Error: Environment table undefined

I´m sure there is something very basic I´m missing here....

% latex.default(cstats, title = title, caption = caption, rowlabel = rowlabel, col.just = col.just, numeric.dollar = FALSE, insert.bottom = legend, rowname = lab, dcolumn = dcolumn, extracolheads = extracolheads, extracolsize = Nsize, ...) % \begin{table}[!tbp] \caption{Descriptive Statistics by treatment\label{f}} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lccc}\hline\hline \multicolumn{1}{l}{}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Drug}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Placebo}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Test Statistic}\tabularnewline

&\multicolumn{1}{c}{{\scriptsize $N=263$}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{{\scriptsize $N=237$}}&\tabularnewline \hline age&{\scriptsize 46.5~}{49.9 }{\scriptsize 53.2} &{\scriptsize 46.7~}{50.0 }{\scriptsize 53.4} &$ F_{1,498}=0.1 ,~ P=0.754 ^{1} $\tabularnewline sex~:~m&47\%~{\scriptsize~(123)}&44\%~{\scriptsize~(104)}&$ \chi^{2}_{1}=0.42 ,~ P=0.517 ^{2} $\tabularnewline Primary~Symptoms~:~Depressed&0\%~{\scriptsize~(0)}&0\%~{\scriptsize~(0)}&$^{2}$\tabularnewline ~~~~Headache&0\%~{\scriptsize~(0)}&0\%~{\scriptsize~(0)}&$^{2}$\tabularnewline ~~~~Hangnail&0\%~{\scriptsize~(0)}&0\%~{\scriptsize~(0)}&$^{2}$\tabularnewline ~~~~Muscle~Ache&0\%~{\scriptsize~(0)}&0\%~{\scriptsize~(0)}&$^{2}$\tabularnewline ~~~~Stomach~Ache&0\%~{\scriptsize~(0)}&0\%~{\scriptsize~(0)}&$^{2}$\tabularnewline \hline \end{tabular}


\noindent {\scriptsize $a$\ }{$b$\ }{\scriptsize $c$\ } represent the lower quartile $a$, the median $b$, and the upper quartile $c$\ for continuous variables.\Numbers after percents are frequencies.\\indent Tests used:\\textsuperscript{\normalfont 1}Wilcoxon test; \textsuperscript{\normalfont 2}Pearson test \end{table}

+1  A: 

It sounds like you may not have a document class defined, or you are not using a document class that defines the table environment.

+3  A: 
  • You need some boilerplate around this to set up the document -- the LaTeXTemplate in TexShop should do.
  • Your \begin{table} is commented out with a preceding %
  • There are some missing backslashes in the legend text -- possibly these are just cut & paste artefacts?

This thrown-together version works for me, though you may need to tweak it for your purposes:


\caption{Descriptive Statistics by treatment\label{f}}

\multicolumn{1}{l}{}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Drug}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Placebo}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Test Statistic}
&\multicolumn{1}{c}{{\scriptsize $N=263$}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{{\scriptsize $N=237$}}&
age&{\scriptsize 46.5~}{49.9 }{\scriptsize 53.2} &{\scriptsize 46.7~}{50.0 }{\scriptsize 53.4} &$ F_{1,498}=0.1 ,~ P=0.754 ^{1}$
sex~:~m&47\%~{\scriptsize~(123)}&44\%~{\scriptsize~(104)}&$ \chi^{2}_{1}=0.42 ,~ P=0.517 ^{2} $

\noindent {\scriptsize $a$\ }{$b$\ }{\scriptsize $c$\ } represent the lower quartile $a$, the median $b$, and the upper quartile $c$ for continuous variables.\\
Numbers after percents are frequencies.\\
\indent Tests used:\\
\textsuperscript{\normalfont 1}Wilcoxon test;
\textsuperscript{\normalfont 2}Pearson test

WOnderful..Thx a million