I find myself needing to use Perl more and more since PHP's regular expressions leave me wondering what is going on half the time as they simply don't respond as they should (as they do when I use Perl, for example)... i had been using this method to call perl (before i started trying to do this with regular expressions).. passing in a regex string as a variable causes all sorts of problems, such as using " ( )" anywhere makes it not work, among other things.. I am wondering if there is a better way to do this, than the string of variables after the perl filename method as it seems to have some glaring limiations.. thanks for any info.
the way I do it currently:
$file = "/pathtomy/perlscript.pl $var1 $var2 $var3" ;
$perlreturn = ob_get_contents();
return $perlreturn;