We changed database schema and moved a relationship between users/accounts from a 1-1 to a many to many using a join table accounts_users.
So we have accounts, users, accounts_users (user_id and account_id)
Our data is still 1-1, and we have decided to move back. So I need sql to move back:
To Migrate I used:
INSERT INTO accounts_users (account_id,user_id) SELECT id AS account_id, user_id AS user_id FROM accounts
To move back I have tried:
user_id = ru.user_id
accounts r, accounts_users ru
r.id = ru.account_id
Update accounts
Set r.user_id = ru.user_id
FROM accounts r, accounts_users ru
WHERE r.id = ru.account_id
SELECT accounts_users.user_id
INTO accounts
FROM accounts_users
INNER JOIN accounts
ON accounts.id = accounts_users.account_id
All of these give a sql error of some sort. Im guessing its because my sql is ambiguous, and I need some sort of select first or min or something like that.
** To be clear, Im sure still have the 1-1 relationship in the data, but I cant figure out the sql to bring the data from the existing tables back into the original tables. What im looking for is some working sql that will take the data from accounts_users and put the user_id into the account table. Thanks, Joel