



msdn says false is default, but whether or not I explicity set treeview1.sorted=false, it always sorts it alphabetically by the visible node text. How do I get it to stay in the order in which I load the nodes?

Private Sub LoadChildren(ByVal ID As Integer, ByVal Node As TreeNode)  
    Dim L As List(Of Integer) = DB.GetChildren(ID)  
    If L Is Nothing Then Exit Sub  
    For i As Integer = 0 To L.Count - 1  
        Node.Nodes.Add(L(i).ToString, DB.GetName(L(i)))  
        LoadChildren(L(i), Node.Nodes(L(i).ToString))  
End Sub

This is my recursive function where I get a name from a sqlite db and use the id (L(i)) as the key.