I notice that the official recommended book "The Definitive Guide to Django" was written based on mod_python, for both editions.
However, I think most beginners would follow what most people use: mod_wsgi.
I followed their first tutorials, that is, display current time
I have the mod_wsgi and everything setup correctly. But I am still getting the default page regardless how I access to http://domain/time/
Is there any book that is written for mod_wsgi, or did t setup the environment incorrectly?
I know I can begin without using apache, but it would be a headache in the future to deploy apache again...
I added the wsgi script and inclued that in the views.py. It seems to work. Is it the right way???
So what is the purpose of having a separate wsgi script anyway? I know the official guide said that create a folder name such as /apache/ and create django.wsgi...