



I have an issue where I'm reusing the dialog so I wouldnt have to duplicate the code. The issue I'm having is when I click an "Add New" button, I have as button "save" and "cancel". The save button in the dialog handles saving the information. If I click the "Edit Existing" button to edit my information, I would like the "save" button to change to an "edit" button. Is this possible?


I think what you're trying to do is, at runtime, change the text of the buttons depending on the user action. This discussion involving Richard Worth may help, and it's what I've had to use in order to accomplish what you're trying to do.

Basically, what you are trying to do isn't possible by defining the buttons array as an object literal (inline in the dialog definition). What you should do is define your buttons array outside the dialog initialization; your array indexes can be your label text (as you'll see in the message discussion example). Then, when you initialize the array, you just assign the buttons property to your buttons array.

In pseudo-code, you'll do this:

function createDialog(mode) {  //mode=new for dayClick; edit for eventClick
  var myButtons = {};  //initialize the object to hold my buttons
  if (mode === "new") {
    myButtons["Save"] = function() {...}  //the function that does the save
  } else {
    myButtons["Edit"] = function() {...}  //the function that edits
  myButtons["Cancel"] = function() {...} //common cancel function for either new or edit mode

  //other logic

    buttons: myButtons,  //assign the buttons property to your myButtons array object

Hope this helps!!

David Hoerster
@ D Hoerster -- in Firebug, I get error of "mode is not defined".
Where are you defining mode? In my example, it was just pseudo-code -- I'm assuming that you know somehow what action the user is taking (whether it's a create or an edit action). Based on that, you then branch into the appropriate section of code to add your button(s). Sorry if that wasn't clear. How do you know if the user is trying to create something new or edit an existing item?
David Hoerster
I'm using fullcalendar to pop up the modal ... so on fullcalendar's dayClick which is a callback, that would add an event ... on fullcalendar's eventClick, also a callback, this would edit and event.
So if you want both event handlers to funnel through a single function to create the dialog, you could refactor the dialog creation logic into a separate function (e.g. `createDialog`) which takes a `mode` parameter. In your dayClick handler, you'd call `createDialog("new");`, and in your eventClick handler, you'd call `createDialog("edit");`. I edited my pseudo-code above to represent this.
David Hoerster
@ D Hoerster -- thanks, you saved me so much time!
No problem - glad I could help!
David Hoerster