



I have a simple Bash script automating tasks which require password-based authentication. Currently I store the credentials in plain text:

$ cat ~/.myconfig

Obviously that's bad - so I wonder whether there's a simple way to encrypt/decrypt the password using my public/private key pair. Using Yet Another Password for the encryption wouldn't gain much, so I want it to happen pretty much automatically.

I've done some research (around here and elsewhere), but am way out of my depth on this one...


If you simply want to hide the password then store its SHA1 hash. The compare the hash of the entered password with your stored hash.

And change file permissions `chmod go-rw myconfig` against dictionary attacks.
'Automated' means there is no entered password. There's nobody to enter it.
GregS is right - if I automate entering the actual password by requiring the user to enter another password, there's not much point in storing the actual password in the first place.
+1  A: 

To automate your task means providing the password; it won't make a difference is you encrypt/obfuscate the password, you'll need to provide the decrypting too.
The only way around this dilemma is an agent-like program, as for example ssh-agent, which stores your passwords for you.

(edit: corrected link)

ssh-agent sounds like what I'm looking for - however, I can't quite figure out how exactly I should employ it. a) Assuming I load the encrypted password from the file, how do I then decrypt it? b) What do I use to encrypt the password in the first place? (I expect this to be a separate, manual step.)
ssh-agent was given as an example for how it could be implemented. However, this is a specific solution for ssh-related connections. For your specific situation something similar could be created, but the how depends on your application.
I guess I was thinking of a keyring/keychain manager to determine and access the respective keypair - but there might not be a portable solution for that. (My application is just a Bash script dispatching some commands - think HTTP basic auth with curl.)