




I'm looking into C/C++ libraries (Win/Linux) that allow me to synchronize information over network. I want to run multiple instances of my program (on different PC's), and want to synchronize files locally instead of accessing files remotely over the network at a single location.

If all instances are to maintain DB consistency it also needs to bee aware of any message delivery errors, so an ack mechanism is necessary.

I stumbled into a couple of solutions, but I'm still trying to figure out what my best solution would be.

Any suggestions are appreciated and feel free to ask about any clarifications.


I've been looking into enet and UDT does anyone has any experience using them?


+1  A: 

I think the design space for such a thing is pretty huge, but it reminded me of a kinda cool library I saw the other day, VAST. The idea is that it's a spatially-represented distributed publish/subscribe model. Maybe it is adaptable to your purpose.

Another thing that is probably immediately useful if you are most interested in file synchronisation -- librsync. It implements the rsync delta algorithm, by the looks.
