



I'm having some problems (as some of you will see from another question I asked) with getting a program I made in Visual Studio 2010 to run on another computer. My computer is Windows 7 x64 The destination computer is Windows XP x86 (SP2)

I've already checked to see that I'm compiling for x86.

Anyway, my question is: Is there a debugger I can install that will tell me what errors the program is having? Like a .NET Debugger that does not involve me installing Visual Studio 2010 on the destination computer?

+3  A: 

If you have access to the client computer when it is running the program, the easiest thing would probably be to deploy the remote debugger, and debug the program on your own machine, while it is running on the client PC.

Otherwise, you can use DbgClr, which is distrubted with the .NET framework SDK.

I can't access the computer remotely, as it's not hooked up to a network connection of any kind. I'll have to look into DbgClr
I can't find DbgClr, where can I get this?
It can't debug .NET 4.0 programs.
Hans Passant
+2  A: 

One option is to use WinDbg + the SOS extension. This is a much lighter weight debugger that is easily installable but has a steeper learning curve than Visual Studio. I often use it though when I need a light weight debugging experience

+1. I'm a big fan of WinDBG, it's definitely the easiest way to debug when VS or your code aren't at hand. A great tool for all .NET developers in my opinion.