So when I run this code it seems to fork bomb the system can you guys help me out? All I want to do is start a thread for each one of the appWatch domains and enviroments.
# Starts the mass processes to watch each directory & enviroment.
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX 'setsid';
my @domains = (qw(austin batman luke heman drevil joker skeltor drevil goodguy badguy));
my @envs = (qw(qa dev));
foreach my $env (@envs){
foreach my $guy (@domains){
unless(my $pid = fork()){
system("echo $env.$guy");
system("sleep 10 ");
#system("./appWatch -d $guy -e $env");
open PID, ">>pid.lock";
print PID $$ . "\n";
print "$$ is Parent, $pid is child";