




I saw a bash command sed 's%^.*/%%'

Usually the common syntax for sed is sed 's/pattern/str/g', but in this one it used s%^.* for the s part in the 's/pattern/str/g'.

My questions:
What does s%^.* mean?
What's meaning of %% in the second part of sed 's%^.*/%%'?

+6  A: 

The % is an alternative delimiter so that you don't need to escape the forward slash contained in the matching portion.

So if you were to write the same expression with / as a delimiter, it would look like:

sed 's/^.*\///'

which is also kind of difficult to read.

Either way, the expression will look for a forward slash in a line; if there is a forward slash, remove everything up to and including that slash.

Mark Rushakoff
Yes. Additionnal note: it uses the *last* slash in the line.
+1  A: 

the usually used delimiter is / and the usage is sed 's/pattern/str/'.

At times you find that the delimiter is present in the pattern. In such a case you have a choice to either escape the delimiter found in the pattern or to use a different delimiter. In your case a different delimiter % has been used.

The later way is recommended as it keeps your command short and clean.


It’s worth adding to the other correct answers that the regex removes everything up to and including the last / character on the line.

Daniel Cassidy