



I want to create a structure like:

  <myns:a s="a"/>
  <b s="a"/>

Where the items in root are descendant from a common base class. I just cannot get it working. The following snippet creates

  <Base xsi:type="A" s="a"/>
  <Base xsi:type="B" s="a"/>

public class Base

public class A : Base
    public string a = "a";

public class B : Base
    public string b = "b";

public class Root
    public List<Base> items = new List<Base>();

If I use the XmlType attribute, I can change the xsi:type name, but not the name tag. I also want to use a custom namespace on one of the tags, but if I add Namespace to XmlType, I get an error message saying that the type cannot be found, and XmlInclude has to be added..

I guess this is actually quite simple, I just couldn't find out how..

+2  A: 

Are you looking for XmlArrayItemAttribute?

public class Root
    [XmlArrayItem("a", typeof(A), Namespace = "myns")]
    [XmlArrayItem("b", typeof(B))]
    public List<Base> items = new List<Base>();

This will serialize as:

<Root xmlns:xsi=""
    <a xmlns="myns">

You could also use XmlElementAttribute if you want the items to be direct children of Root instead of having an element for items.

Nice! Didn't know I use several XmlArrayItem's. This also allowed me to remove the XmlInclude from the base class. Thanks!