



hi, I am looking for a tool buy which i can identify the exact encoding of input file. please suggest any online encoding checker tool,


+1  A: 

While not an online tool...

If you open your file in Firefox and then open View -> Character Encoding it will tell you the encoding of the current document.

+1  A: 

Detecting the character encoding or character set just by looking at the byte is very complicated if not impossible.

Just think of the character sets of the ISO 8859 family that all use a simple character point to byte mapping: Each byte can represent a different character in each of the character sets in ISO 8859. Just looking at a byte like 0xE0, it can represent one of the following characters depending on the character set:

ISO 8859    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15
    0xE0    à   ŕ   à   ā   р   ـ   ΰ   א   à   ā   เ   ą   à   à   à

If you have Python, you can use chardet. But be aware that no encoding detector will work 100% of the time.
