



This is something that has bugged me for some time. I learnt Haskell before I learnt Python, so I've always been fond of thinking of many computations as a mapping onto a list. This is beautifully expressed by a list comprehension (I'm giving the pythonic version here):

result = [ f(x) for x in list ]

In many cases though, we want to execute more than a single statement on x, say:

result = [ f(g(h(x))) for x in list ]

This very quickly gets clunky, and difficult to read.

My normal solution to this is to expand this back into a for loop:

result = []
for x in list:
  x0 = h(x)
  x1 = g(x0)
  x2 = f(x1)

One thing about this that bothers me no end is having to initialize the empty list 'result'. It's a triviality, but it makes me unhappy. I was wondering if there were any alternative equivalent forms. One way may be to use a local function(is that what they're called in Python?)

def operation(x):
  x0 = h(x)
  x1 = g(x0)
  x2 = f(x1)
  return x2
result = [ operation(x) for x in list ]

Are there any particular advantages/disadvantages to either of the two forms above? Or is there perhaps a more elegant way?


There are cases where it's best to go back to the for-loop, yes, but more often I prefer one of these approaches:

Use appropriate line breaks and indentation to keep it readable:

result = [blah(blah(blah(x)))
          for x in list]

Or extract (enough of) the logic into another function, as you mention. But not necessarily local; Python programmers prefer flat to nested structure, if you can see a reasonable way of factoring the functionality out.

I came to Python from the functional-programming world, too, and share your prejudice.

Darius Bacon

If your only concerned with the last result, your last answer is the best. It's clear for anyone looking at it what your doing.

I often take any code that starts to get complex and move it to a function. This basically serves as a comment for that block of code. (any complex code probably needs a re-write anyway, and putting it in a function I can go back and work on it later)

def operation(x):
  x0 = h(x)
  x1 = g(x0)
  x2 = f(x1)
  return x2
result = [ operation(x) for x in list]
+2  A: 

Follow the style that most matches your tastes.
I would not worry about performance; only in case you really see some issue you can try to move to a different style.

Here some other possible suggestions, in addition to your proposals:

result = [f(
            for x in list]

Use progressive list comprehensions:

result = [h(x) for x in list]
result = [g(x) for x in result]
result = [f(x) for x in result]

Again, that's only a matter of style and taste. Pick the one you prefer most, and stick with it :-)

Roberto Liffredo
I love your second bit of code, but the first one's indentation burns my eyes a little.
Patrick Harrington
I agree with you - the first one is not so nice. It was mostly a kind of tentative to emulate functional languages within python syntax.
Roberto Liffredo
I'd replace the progressive list comprehensions with a pipeline of generator expressions.
What about readability? List comprehensions follow a declarative pattern, that is quite easy to read and understand. Generators, although more "elegant", tend to hide details of the implementation far from the original code position.
Roberto Liffredo
+4  A: 

You can easily do function composition in Python.

Here's a demonstrates of a way to create a new function which is a composition of existing functions.

>>> def comp( a, b ):
    def compose( args ):
     return a( b( args ) )
    return compose

>>> def times2(x): return x*2

>>> def plus1(x): return x+1

>>> comp( times2, plus1 )(32)

Here's a more complete recipe for function composition. This should make it look less clunky.

+1  A: 

If this is something you're doing often and with several different statements you could write something like

def seriesoffncs(fncs,x):
    for f in fncs[::-1]:
    return x

where fncs is a list of functions. so seriesoffncs((f,g,h),x) would return f(g(h(x))). This way if you later in your code need to workout h(q(g(f(x)))) you would simply do seriesoffncs((h,q,g,f),x) rather than make a new operations function for each combination of functions.

What if f() takes more than one parameter?
Steve Losh
replace x with *args.

A variation of's function:

def chained_apply(*args):
    val = args[-1]
    for f in fncs[:-1:-1]:
    return val

Instead of seriesoffncs((h,q,g,f),x) now you can call:

result = chained_apply(foo, bar, baz, x)

As far as I know there's no built-in/native syntax for composition in Python, but you can write your own function to compose stuff without too much trouble.

def compose(*f):
    return f[0] if len(f) == 1 else lambda *args: f[0](compose(*f[1:])(*args))

def f(x): 
    return 'o ' + str(x)

def g(x): 
    return 'hai ' + str(x)

def h(x, y): 
    return 'there ' + str(x) + str(y) + '\n'

action = compose(f, g, h)
print [action("Test ", item) for item in [1, 2, 3]]

Composing outside the comprehension isn't required, of course.

print [compose(f, g, h)("Test ", item) for item in [1, 2, 3]]

This way of composing will work for any number of functions (well, up to the recursion limit) with any number of parameters for the inner function.

Steve Losh