



I have a .NET library that I'm trying to use via COM (hMailServer's VBScript scripts). I got it all working on my local, development box (Windows 7 x64). However, after copying the DLL to my server (Windows Server 2008 x64) I keep getting the following error when the VBScript runs:

Error: 800A01AD - Description: ActiveX component can't create object: 'hMailServerPlugins.EventHandlers' - Line: 2 Column: 1 - Code: (null)"

I've given the assembly a strong name. I put the assembly in the same directory as hMailServer and I've registered it using

regasm hMailServerPlugins.dll /codebase /tlb:hMailServer.tlb

the references show up in the assembly too! I've even tried changing the hMailServer service to startup using Administrator user credentials to make sure this isn't a security thing.

Any ideas?


Not sure if you've fixed the issue as a couple have months have gone by... I have a similar problem. Build for x64 only deselcted the com interop and registerd post build.. more info here..

however despite doing that I still get an error.

Would love to hear how you got on and if you solved issue..

just posted answer for you

I'm posting this for Antoine and anyone else who might stumble upon this thread.

It turned out that I had to explicitly call the 64bit regasm to properly register the library. The location on my machine is


Hope that helps


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