



I have a latex document that is part of an automated system. So I cannot use fixed widths for the table as the inputs are uncertain.

\begin{tabular}[t]{|l|@{\hfill}r@{ }|c|@{ }l|}
\textbf{\langComponent} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{

How can I have the last 3 columns (rcl, which display as a result, a plusminus symbol, and an uncertainty) be all centrally aligned as a group underneath the multicoumn header that spans those 3 columns?


You could take a look at the packages dcolumn or siunitx (of which I'm the author). I think in either case you'll need to first loop through the database to find the size of the largest number (i.e. how many digits before and after the decimal place). A simple hard-coded siunitx example would be

  {A header} \\
  1.23(45)   \\
  6789.10(1) \\
Joseph Wright