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The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

I'm in the process of learning C, and am reading the K&R book thoroughly and trying to do as many of the exercises as possible.

I'm looking at picking up C++ after I'm comfortable with C. Is there a de facto C++ book? Particularly one with good exercises?


+11  A: 

I don't remember whether it has particularly good exercises, anyway the "K&R equivalent" is the following:

Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ programming language, Addison Wesley

Note that, unlike K&R, this is a rather heavy and demanding book - as the language itself is; not at all for a relaxing night reading (read the reviews on Amazon).

Federico Ramponi
Required reading and reference book for all C++ programmers.
Jeff Paquette
Also unless you're really going to develop in pure C, I'd suggest you to start directly with learning C++ :)
+1  A: 

Let me remind you, that C went far and beyond KNR - with type 'complex' and other C99 good and bad things, and so did C++ wrt Stroustrup.

Pavel Radzivilovsky