Hi, I am using following code to send emails. It works from a computer where I have installed Windows XP but does not work from a computer where there is Windows Vista.
Could anybody explain what I should do?
Dim oSvr As New Net.Mail.SmtpClient("mail.server.com")
Dim oMail As New Net.Mail.MailMessage
oSvr.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "passwordhere")
If AttachFilePath.Length > 0 Then
oMail.Attachments.Add(New Net.Mail.Attachment(AttachFilePath))
End If
oMail.IsBodyHtml = IsHTML
oMail.To.Add("[email protected]")
oMail.Bcc.Add("[email protected]")
oMail.From = New Net.Mail.MailAddress("[email protected]")
oMail.Subject = sSubject
oMail.Body = "<h1>HTML Body Here</h1>"
Catch ex As Exception
End Try