



I need to assign a kind of "premium status" to members that purchase an amount equal or greater than 100 € via PHP.

Conditional Actions are already set up (user = anonymous/authenticated AND total amount = equal/greater than 100 AND user =! premium) but I'm missing the PHP part to actually say "then grant him the premium membership".

How can I achieve this?

EDIT: is the below code correct?

if ($account) {
  $uid = $account->uid;
  $role_name = 'authenticated user';
  $rid = db_result(db_query("SELECT rid FROM {role} WHERE name = '%s'", $role_name));
  db_query("INSERT INTO {users_roles} (uid, rid) VALUES(%d, %d)", $uid, $rid);
  watchdog('user', 'uc ca added role to Ubercart created user');
+1  A: 

You can do this with user_load() and user_save():

$uid = 1; // UID of user to add role to
$role_name = 'test role'; // Name of role to add

// Get RID of role
$rid = db_result(db_query("SELECT r.rid FROM {role} r WHERE = '%s'", $role_name));

// Load user object
$account = user_load(array('uid' => 1));

// Save the user object with the new roles.
if ($account !== FALSE && !isset($account->roles[$rid])) {
  $roles = $account->roles + array($rid => $role_name);
  user_save($account, array('roles' => $roles));

If you wanted to do this in bulk for multiple users, there's user_multiple_role_edit():

$uids = array(1, 2, 3, 4); // UIDs of users to add role to
$role_name = 'test role'; // Name of role to add

// Get RID of role
$rid = db_result(db_query("SELECT r.rid FROM {role} r WHERE = '%s'", $role_name));

// Add the role to UIDs
user_multiple_role_edit($uids, 'add_role', $rid);


If you wanted to do this for the current user (like part of the check you mentioned in a comment), you can do:

// Check for value over 100.00
if ($total_value > 100) {
  global $user; // Retrieve user object for currently logged in user.

  $role_name = 'test role'; // Name of role to add

  // Get RID of role
  $rid = db_result(db_query("SELECT r.rid FROM {role} r WHERE = '%s'", $role_name));

  // Save the user object with the new role.
  if (!isset($user->roles[$rid])) {
    $roles = $user->roles + array($rid => $role_name);
    user_save($user, array('roles' => $roles));
// Other code here.
Mark Trapp
I want the role to change on the event of a total purchase equal/greather than 100€ but, if I understand your code, that's a static solution (I'll have to use it everytime I want to change roles by hand).
No, just put this code in wherever you're checking the total purchase. (i.e. `if ($purchase > 100) { // insert code above here }`, see also edit)This is permanent, though: the user will always have this role once granted unless you revoke it later on. The other solution is temporary, and will not last between pages.
Mark Trapp
Thank you Mark!