



I have recently created a Rackspace cloud server instance using CentOS 5.5. I have used yum to install the "Web Server" group (it includes Apache, etc.), added as the ServerName in httpd.conf, made sure iptables allows on port 80. I had registered this domain with Go-Daddy and changed their name servers to the Rackspace name servers on their site. I added "A" and CNAME records to the Rackspace name servers. httpd has been started. When I use curl on the server I can get the Apache landing page. When I dig from a remote machine(over the internet) the answer section returns: 300 IN CNAME 300 IN A When I try a browser or curl, it can't connect:

curl -G

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host

I know this has got to be pretty basic and config related but I'll be dammed if I can see it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

+1  A: 

If dig resolves, this just means the DNS server returns the right values. It will even work if the IP doesn't exists.

If a HTTP connecting to the server fails, this is a configuration problem.

The server responds to ICMP requests, so it's not a routing problem.

When I use curl on the server I can get the Apache landing page

Your webserver is running, but you just can't reach it from outside. This is the problem. What does iptables --list outputs?

I think this is the entry of interest:ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere state NEW tcp dpt:http I added the following line to iptables and restarted it:-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
Bob Setterbo
Another idea: probably Apache only listens on the loopback interface
I'll look into that - thanks
Bob Setterbo