




I'm really new to programming, and creating programs. Recently I was browsing around iTunes folder and I saw a .css file. I opened it up and saw a lot of -webkit styles to style there interface.

Can I use webkit to style languages interfaces that are coded such as C++, .NET, Python, ETC?


Because Webkit is opensource, the answer is: yes, you can. There are however things to note:
* There are no precompiled binaries to try out - you have to compile it yourself
* There are various implementations (so called "ports") that make Webkit available on various platforms. If you want a high stability, you have got to choose GTK, Qt or Apple ports. These are crossplatform and well tested but they have a disadvantage of low configurability and they depend on heavy frameworks that you must include.
* If you choose any other port, you realize that it's either not crossplatform or has been abandoned (for example the Clutter port)
* You may also choose an "unofficial" port like the OWB. It is however not much supported and especially the Windows compatibility sucks.

Wikipedia has a nice article about Webkit.
If I haven't scared you much, you can head to http://www.webkit.org and find the solution that fits your needs.

If you don't necessarily need C++ port, try these links:


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