I am looking for an ORM that supports stored procedures. I would like to implement something like this in perl, but I would like to look at the interface and abstractions in something already written for ideas. Does anyone know of any ORM that supports stored procedures?
"both", not "bott" :)
OMG Ponies
2010-08-22 18:18:51
I was just editing that and saw bott here, clicked edit and then both in the edit part..thought I was going insane for a second :-) Thanks
2010-08-22 18:20:19
iBatis is often considered as a compromise if you don't want a full blown ORM.
2010-08-22 18:23:01
Yes it is. I checked the site after a long time and surprisingly it has just been retired from Apache and moved to google code. http://ibatis.apache.org/ http://www.mybatis.org/ http://code.google.com/p/mybatis/ http://code.google.com/p/mybatisnet/
2010-08-25 19:25:45