$select = $db->select()
array('product_id', 'product_name', 'price'));
you have to pass the desired fiels as the second argument to the from() method, the first is the table.
i know its a bit confusing because in regular sql syntax the desired fields go first, but zend db comes in quite handy if you want to custruct queries a modular way.
array of strings and single string is accepted
another example:
Example #11 Examples of adding columns with the columns() method
// Build this query:
// SELECT p."product_id", p."product_name"
// FROM "products" AS p
$select = $db->select()
->from(array('p' => 'products'), 'product_id')
// Build the same query, specifying correlation names:
// SELECT p."product_id", p."product_name"
// FROM "products" AS p
$select = $db->select()
->from(array('p' => 'products'), 'p.product_id')
->columns('product_name', 'p');
// Alternatively use columns('p.product_name')