




Hi, I am building an application. This shows a form, header and footer are to be kept fixed.
In the middle there is a Group Box that hold a question with different option. When user clicks Next button at the bottom, Group Box loads next question. I want to make this change animated. I wish to show a page-turning animation that runs when Next button is clicked...................

Please help Thanks Furqan


There is a very nicely written tutorial for doing this in C# and GDI but it's fairly complicated.

There is also a simpler tutorial, also on CodeProject, for doing this with Silverlight.

Colin Pickard
But Can I use that in vb.net?
If you want to use the C# example you'll need to translate it to VB.NET. What technology are you using? Windows Forms?
Colin Pickard
Yes, I am using windows forms but Ireaaly donor know how to translate C# example in VB.netcan u help?
@user415037: If the tutorial is in C#, then there's a 95% chance it can be done in VB.NET. Here's a free online tool to do the conversion for you: http://www.developerfusion.com/tools/convert/csharp-to-vb/ I stand to be corrected but as of VS2010 the only major C# feature that's absent in VB.NET is unmanaged code.
Alex Essilfie
I tried the link it converts the code only but I need to convert the whole project. Is it possible?Thanks and best regards,Furqan