




I have a SQL Server table in an external list (via External Content Type). I also have a SharePoint calendar that has an additional column called Project Manager. My goal is to create a simple workflow that populates the Project Manager column when a calendar item is created. In the past, I have just hardcoded the Project Manager using this step: "set Project Manager to John Smith". I am now trying to do this dynamically such that instead of harcoding, the workflow will go to the external list and do: "set Project Manager to External List:Project_Manager". For some reason, the Project Manager column is not being populated when the calendar item is created. The lookup looks like this:

Field Date to Retrieve Data Source: External List Field from source: Project_Manager Return field as: As String Find the List Item Field: Project_ID Value: 3050

The problem is that after the calendar item is created and the workflow completes, the Project Manager column is not populated. What's weird is that I have been able to create a Lookup column that queries the external list, so I know that the external list is able to be queried and return data... I just really need this simple workflow to work since I will be re-using it in many other ways throughout my SharePoint site.

Can someone offer up ideas on how to debug this? Does external content types allow for this? I have read this document: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff394479.aspx, but it seems as though what I am doing is pretty standard stuff.

Please advise.