



I'm trying to get a list of all my Facebook Page Fans.

All I can get from FQL is the total amount of fans for my facebook page. I can't know WHO my fans are?

I have tried this:

Anyone with an idea of how to know WHO my fans are? I.e. list the User IDs of all my fans for a specific page?

I also know that I can get more information about my fanpage using FQL and "insights", from there I can get "page_active_users" and so forth, but not a list of all my fans?

I know that Facebook doesn't support this (in public), but any ideas on how to get around it?

+1  A:[PAGEID]/members?limit=500&access_token=[oauthtoken]

It's those who liked it, not fans.
You are the king! Do you know if there is a limit to how many members you can get at a time? Since Coca Cola have 11 million fans =)
Erik Lydecker
@serg well isn't that the same thing at Facebook? What's the difference between "fans" and "likers"?
Erik Lydecker
@Erik Well there are two entities: likes ( and fans ( You can get likes by pageid but you can't get fans by pageid (can only check if some particular user is fan or not). Also there is 5000 limit on everything.
Using FQL (pages.isFan) I can see that a user from the list I get from is actually a fan of Coca Cola. Hence it gives me the real list of the fans, just like I wanted =)
Erik Lydecker
I can do "paging":{"next":} to get more than 5000 fans for any given page.
Erik Lydecker
@Erik good then...

This solution doesn't seem to work anymore. My token is ok and my page has fans/likes, but Facebook will just return an empty array.

Could anyone confirm/infirm it still works?


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