



Hello, i want to fill a Datatable with a Datareader row by row but get an exception because the reader's columns have a different order than the Datatable's columns.

Why and how does a Datatable loads itself with a Datareader correctly, even so it has a column collection with different order?

I need to calculate values for every row so i dont want to load the Datatable completely but row for row. It has 25 columns so i dont want to set it all manually.

There must be a chance to load/fill/add a new row from a datareader without having the same column order(reader.GetSchemaTable?). Thanks

Following is what i have but what doesnt work:

Using reader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader
   'next line works(configInfo.DataSource is a Datatable)but is inappropriate 
    While reader.Read
        Dim allCols(reader.FieldCount - 1) As Object
        'following both methods are throwing exception because of the wrong column order
        configInfo.DataSource.LoadDataRow(allCols, True)
        'now i want to do some calculations on this row ....
    End While
End Using

Honestly, I would use the .Load method on the DataTable to load it fully and then iterate through (or use LINQ) the DataTable by row to do the calcualtions and make modifications. It is much cleaner than that cast to Object of the reader you are trying to do. So start with this:


...and then iterate through like this:

For Each dr As DataRow in configInfo.DataSource
  'Do calculations and modify rows


You might even prefer to create a separate DataTable 1st rather than working off of that DataSource DataTable property. Once the DataTable has been modified, re-assign it like so:

configInfo.DataSource = myModifiedDataTable
Iterate through all rows and do my calculations is time expensive. I thought i could at least safe me one round trip with using a Datareader instead of filling a Datatable and then iterate a second time all rows(~30-100k). But there must be a way, because the Datatable itself knows how to deal with the "wrong ordered" columns and i'm really interested to do that manually. But thanks anyway.
Tim Schmelter
The thing is a DataReader uses a connected architecture, where a DataTable is disconnected. If your calcualtions are expensive then keeping that connection open is probably not ideal. The operation to load the DataTable is the only thing in question. Loading the DataTable will not be that expensive and then you are operating disconnected. Once in a DataTable you can use LINQ and Lambda expressions to help streamline the iterative process if you are familiar with those technologies. If not, a plain old For-Each loop will still work.