




Hello guys, I have a python code that reads 3 arguments (scalars) and a text files and then returns me a vector of double. I want to write a macro in vba to call this python code and write the results in one of the same excel sheet. I wanted to know what was the easiest way to do it, here are some stuffs that I found: - call the shell() function in vba but it doesn't seem so easy to get the return value. - register the python code as a COM object and call it from vba--> i don't know how to do that so if you have some examples it would be more than welcome - create a custom tool in a custom toolbox, in vba create a geoprocessing object and then addtoolbox and then we can use the custom tool directly via the geoprocessing object but this is something as well that I don't know how to do.. Any tips?

+1  A: 

Do you have to call the Python code as a macro? You could use COM hooks within the Python script to direct Excel and avoid having to use another language:

import win32com.client

# Start Excel
xlApp = win32com.client.Dispatch( "Excel.Application" )
workbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open( <some-file> )
sheet = workbook.Sheets( <some-sheet> )
sheet.Activate( )

# Get values
spam = sheet.Cells( 1, 1 ).Value

# Process values

# Write values
sheet.Cells( ..., ... ).Value = <result>

# Goodbye Excel
workbook.Save( )
workbook.Close( )
xlApp.Quit( )
Hi Katrielalex, well I need to be able to run this code from excel just clicking a button to which I would assign a macro. This allows me to call excel from python but I want to do the opposite.
@user: ok, never mind then =).
+2  A: 

Follow these steps carefully

  1. Go to Activestate and get ActivePython 2.5.7 MSI installer.
    I had DLL hell problems with 2.6.x
  2. Install in your Windows machine
  3. once install is complete open Command Prompt and go to


  4. execute \> python pyscript.py you should see message Registered: Python

  5. Go to ms office excel and open worksheet

  6. Go to Tools > Macros > Visual Basic Editor
  7. Add a reference to the Microsoft Script control alt text
  8. Add a new User Form. In the UserForm add a CommandButton
  9. Switch to the code editor and Insert the following code

    Dim WithEvents PyScript As MSScriptControl.ScriptControl

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
       If PyScript Is Nothing Then
           Set PyScript = New MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
           PyScript.Language = "python"
           PyScript.AddObject "Sheet", Workbooks(1).Sheets(1)
           PyScript.AllowUI = True
       End If
       PyScript.ExecuteStatement "Sheet.cells(1,1).value='Hello'"
    End Sub

Execute. Enjoy and expand as necessary
