




I am writing a manual/guide for our intranet using LaTeX.

I am wondering if there are classes developed for this purpose? A search returns results that are manuals about using LaTeX.

Spefically I want to make use of "hint" boxes and the like (Floating boxes in a guide that have a short hint or some such thing). I find the way these stand out from the rest of the text really draws in the readers attention.

Perhaps there is a better -- read less complex -- way of going about this using the standard book or article class?

+1  A: 

Since asking this question I have come across the bclogo package. Documentation here in French.

The package seems to be able to create very beautiful boxes whilst allowing the user to use the standard books class.

James Smith
+2  A: 

Hm, better ask your question over her ...

Should I mark this as the accepted answer or post a link to the thread on tex.stackexchange?
James Smith
Sounds like a good idea to do both ...