




I have been given a DLL ("InfoLookup.dll") that internally allocates structures and returns pointers to them from a lookup function. The structures contain string pointers:

extern "C"
   struct Info
      int id;
      char* szName;

   Info* LookupInfo( int id );

In C#, how can I declare the structure layout, declare the Interop call, and (assuming a non-null value is returned) utilize the string value? In other words, how do I translate the following into C#?

#include "InfoLookup.h"
void foo()
   Info* info = LookupInfo( 0 );
   if( info != 0 && info->szName != 0 )
      DoSomethingWith( info->szName );
   // NOTE: no cleanup here, the DLL is caching the lookup table internally

You need to implement the structure in C# as well, making sure to use the attributes in the Marshal class properly to ensure that the memory layout matches the unmanaged version.

So, some variation of this:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public static extern Info LookupInfo(int val);

struct Info
   int id;
   String szName;

private void SomeFunction
   Info info = LookupInfo(0);
   //Note here that the returned struct cannot be null, so check the ID instead
   if (info.id != 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(info.szName))
You cannot Marashal Info directly as the return type
+1  A: 

Use Marshalling:


Paul Betts
+2  A: 

For an example, see this netapi32.NetShareAdd interop declaration. It includes a SHARE_INFO_502 structure, with a public string shi502_netname member. Many more examples are available at Pinvoke.net.

+4  A: 

Try the following layout. Code automatically generated using the PInvoke Interop Assistant. Hand coded LookpInfoWrapper()

public struct Info {

    /// int
    public int id;

    /// char*
    public string szName;

public partial class NativeMethods {

    /// Return Type: Info*
    ///id: int
    [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute("InfoLookup.dll", EntryPoint="LookupInfo")]
public static extern  System.IntPtr LookupInfo(int id) ;

    public static LoopInfoWrapper(int id) {
       IntPtr ptr = LookupInfo(id);
       return (Info)(Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(Info));
