




How can I pick out files using todays date?

I have files that have dates and times in a folder, 08-25-2010-123803654.xml, 08-25-2010-123804441.xml, 08-24-2010-123851240.xml, etc.

I want to pull out just todays entrys and when i put in my code it gives me an error.

My code is:

SourceFolder = "C:\TEST(DateTime.Now.tostring('MM-dd-yyyy-*')"

Im not sure what Im doing wrong here.


MY Code: Module Module1

Private Property fs As Object
Private Property BaseName As Object
Private Property FullTargetPath As Object

Sub Main()

    Dim xlApp, xlWkb, SourceFolder, TargetFolder, file
    xlApp = CreateObject("excel.application")
    fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Const xlNormal = 1
    SourceFolder = "C:\TEST\" & DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") & "*"
    TargetFolder = "C:\TEST\Excel"

    'Hide Excel
    xlApp.Visible = False

    'Process each file in SourceFolder
    For Each file In fs.GetFolder(SourceFolder).files
        'Open file in SourceFolder
        xlWkb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(file)
        'Get Filename
        BaseName = fs.getbasename(file)
        'Concatenate full path. Extension will be automatically added by Excel
        FullTargetPath = TargetFolder & "\" & BaseName
        'Save as XLS file into TargetFolder
        xlWkb.SaveAs(FullTargetPath, xlNormal)
        'Close the file after its done

    xlWkb = Nothing
    xlApp = Nothing
    fs = Nothing

    MsgBox("Finished. Bout time!")

End Sub

End Module


The code you posted doesn't actually append todays date to the base path, it creates a static string. Don't you mean:

SourceFolder = "C:\TEST\" & DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") & "*"
David Rutten
Hey David, I tried that but I keep getting an error under the following: For Each file In fs.GetFolder(SourceFolder).filesError is: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A004C (CTL_E_PATHNOTFOUND)

I'm going to translate just this portion of your code to hopefully put you on the right track:

Dim targetFolder As String = "C:\TEST\Excel"

Dim sourceFolder As String = "C:\TEST"

' Here is where we specify a pattern by which we will find files in '
' sourceFolder. '
Dim searchPattern As String = String.Format("{0:MM-dd-yyyy}*.xml", Date.Today)

' This will give us an array with only those files matching the pattern above; '
' that is, only files from today. '
Dim todaysFiles() As String = Directory.GetFiles(sourceFolder, searchPattern)

For Each file As String In todaysFiles
    ' Excel stuff... '

    Dim fileName As String = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)

    ' Concatenate full path. Extension will be automatically added by Excel. '
    Dim fullTargetPath = Path.Combine(targetFolder, fileName)

    ' More Excel stuff... '
Dan Tao
So then sourcefolder should read, >SourceFolder = directory>TargetFolder = "C:\TEST\Excel"How would searchpattern come into play?
@gabrielVa: See if my update helps you out a bit more.
Dan Tao
Yes, that seems to help quite a bit and I understand it now, although I get a new error, I created a private function for directory() and when I run the console app now it says the following: System.NotImplementedException was unhandled Message=The method or operation is not implemented. Source=ConsoleApplication3
@gabrielVa: Well, then... can you change the name of your function so it doesn't overlap with a member of `System.IO`? Alternately you could simply resolve the ambiguity by typing out `System.IO.Directory.GetFiles`.
Dan Tao
Thanks Dan, looks like Ive go one final hurdle, i get Illegal characters in path under todaysfiles()Dim targetfolder As String = "C:\TEST\Excel" Dim sourcefolder As String = "C:\TEST" Dim Searchpattern As String = String.Format("{0:MM-dd-yyyy}-*.xml", Date.Today) Dim todaysfiles() As String = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Searchpattern)TXT Visualizer shows the following though: 08-26-2010-*.xml
@gabirelVa: Wow, I apologize -- I posted flat-out wrong code. Sorry! Use `Directory.GetFiles(sourceFolder, searchPattern)` instead (updated answer).
Dan Tao
Yes!! That worked Dan! The file now pulls form the data source folder as well as the search pattern. Thank you so VERY much Dan!!